People can learn about squirrel hunting at April 23 MDC program

News from the region
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ASH GROVE, Mo. – Squirrel hunting has a long tradition in many parts of the Ozarks. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors and provide wild game for the table.

People can learn more about the basics of squirrel hunting on April 23 at a free clinic at the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center. The clinic, “Learning to Hunt: Squirrel Hunting” will be 8:30-11:30 a.m. The event is open to all ages. The Dalton Range is located near Ash Grove at 4897 N. Greene County Farm Road 61.

Topics that will be covered in the course by MDC Outdoor Education Center Specialist Keith DeBow will include hunting strategies, regulations, firearms safety, and how to care for harvested game. This course will be good preparation for Missouri’s squirrel season, which opens May 28 and runs through Feb. 15, 2023. COVID-19 recommendations will be in place during this workshop. People can register for this event at:

MDC’s Andy Dalton Range is located near Ash Grove at 4897 N. Greene County Farm Road 61. People can stay informed about upcoming programs at the Dalton Range and other nearby MDC facilities by signing up for text alerts and e-mail bulletins. People who have questions about upcoming events or want to sign up for text alerts from the Dalton Range can call 417-742-4361.

Staff at MDC facilities across the state are holding virtual programs. A listing of these programs can be found at